Microsoft Entra ID emits sign-in logs containing activity information. Each sign-in attempt contains details associated with those three main components: Who: The identity (User) doing the sign-in. How: The client (Application) used for the access. And What: The target (Resource) accessed by the identity. You can use the sign-in logs to answer questions such as: How many users signed into a particular application this week? How many failed sign-in attempts occurred in the last 24 hours? Are users signing in from specific browsers or operating systems?
Before you start make sure you have configured the following:Sign-in to the Microsoft Entra admin center and browse to Monitoring & health > Sign-in logs. Then, search and select one of the sign-in log entry.
This script is self-contained.1. Sign-in logs
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "AuditLog.Read.All Directory.Read.All"
1.1 [Optinal] Filter sign-in logs
GET$filter=createdDateTime ge 2024-07-01T00:00:00Z and createdDateTime le 2024-07-14T23:59:59Z
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "AuditLog.Read.All Directory.Read.All"
Get-MgAuditLogSignIn -Filter "createdDateTime ge 2024-07-01T00:00:00Z and createdDateTime le 2024-07-14T23:59:59Z"
2. Investigate the sign-in log
{ "@odata.context": "$metadata#auditLogs/signIns", "": "Use $select to choose only the properties your app needs, as this can lead to performance improvements. For example: GET auditLogs/signIns?$select=appDisplayName,appId", "value": [ { "id": "b6c405bf-816b-4c88-b7a4-9af5f79d0200", "createdDateTime": "2024-07-24T06:55:43Z", "userDisplayName": "Yoel Horvitz", "userPrincipalName": "", "userId": "75b523ca-d064-4ddf-80af-87738f504026", "appId": "10f90284-3ee4-4e82-a641-55cc4068b633", "appDisplayName": "Woodgrove Groceries", "ipAddress": "**.**.**.***", "clientAppUsed": "Browser", "correlationId": "366f7c67-19a6-404d-ac87-2bfc4919ac1e", "conditionalAccessStatus": "success", "isInteractive": true, "riskDetail": "hidden", "riskLevelAggregated": "hidden", "riskLevelDuringSignIn": "hidden", "riskState": "none", "riskEventTypes": [], "riskEventTypes_v2": [], "resourceDisplayName": "Microsoft Graph", "resourceId": "00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000", "status": { "errorCode": 50057, "failureReason": "The user account is disabled.", "additionalDetails": "" }, "deviceDetail": { "deviceId": "", "displayName": "", "operatingSystem": "Windows10", "browser": "Edge 126.0.0", "isCompliant": false, "isManaged": false, "trustType": "" }, "location": { "city": "Chicago", "state": "Illinois", "countryOrRegion": "US", "geoCoordinates": { "altitude": null, "latitude": 12.3456, "longitude": 12.3456 } }, "appliedConditionalAccessPolicies": [] }, { "id": "7ce4644d-2280-48ba-b1eb-407c8faa8300", "more": "..." } ] }